Glad you want to get to know me a little bit better. My name is Gerard van Oosbree and I am an experienced photographer. I started with photography when I was fifteen, that is an amazing 45 years ago. And I have been taking photos of so many things. Travel, military, models, events, you name it and I have probably shot it.
I specialize in military and defence subjects. That is what I have been doing for the past 25 years and a freelancer with my own company Dutch Defence Press. The first 20 years I ran the company next to my full-time job as a corporate trainer and with a businesspartner. Go check it out here.
I am also a model-, events- and travel-photographer. I started modelphotography in 2008 when I came across David Hobby’s Strobist website and pretty quickly learned how to use on-camera Speedlights as off-camera flashes.
Since a couple of years I started looking into video. Mostly for the military business and investing in video gear.